Lands, Physical Planning & Urban Development

Construction of cabro parking areas and drive ways in Kerugoya, Kagio, Kutus and Kianyaga, Kagumo, Wang’uru and Sagana towns covering about 66,000 square meters has increased parking lots across the county which also enhances revenue collection.

The urban development programs are geared towards making the towns attractive to investors through creating a conducive trading atmosphere and creating direct or indirect employment opportunities.

Plans to construct a husks factory are underway. The factory will utilize by products of crops such as rice, cassava to make furniture boards.

Construction of a fire station and procuring two new fire engines to enhance the county’s disaster response system is also underway.

To enable trading centers and markets to operate for longer hours, we installed flood lights in over 10 towns including Kerugoya, Kagumo, Kimbimbi and Makutano among others.

Through the Sustainable Urban Economic Development (SUED) program, the county is undertaking the development of an Urban Economic Plan (UEP). The plan will enable the county prioritize and implement the projects that have maximum benefits for about 51,000 residents of the municipality.

Construction of a farm produce by-products factory for additional incomes to producers and job creation.

Capacity building of Municipal staff leading to better management of the municipality.

The County Government recovered more than 300 acres of land from grabbers including 250 acres at Thigirici. This land is set to host the upcoming industrial park leading to availability of land for public utility.

The process of issuance to title deeds to beneficiaries of the 17,000 acres of South Ngariama Land is underway.

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