Cooperatives, Trade, Tourism, Marketing, Industrialization & Enterprises Development

To provide a conducive trading environment to our traders, most of who deal with fresh produce, we have constructed 14 modern markets namely:

  1. Kagio Cereals Market
  2. Kagio Fresh Produce Market
  3. Kutus Market
  4. Kerugoya Market
  5. Makutano Market
  6. Kagumo Market
  7. Kianyaga Market
  8. Kiamutugu Market
  9. Sagana Market
  10. Kibingoti Market
  11. Wang’uru
  12. Githure Market
  13. Gathoge Market
  14. Karumandi Market

The county government provided a coffee value addition to Mwirua Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Society to enable them make additional income from roasting of coffee.

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