Environment, Energy, Climate Change, Natural Resource, Water & Irrigation

The County Government has undertaken 27 life changing water projects impacting about 30,000 households who can now access clean water thereby reducing water-borne diseases as some of them used to get disease infected water from rice irrigation canals.

The projects include; Ria Gicheru, Kutus Mjini, Kiagikiki, Kiandegwa and Sorothimu and several borehole projects.

About 1,000 households have been supported with tanks that they use for water harvesting during the rainy seasons. The aim is to have 80% of all the households in the county connected with piped water by 2022.

To enhance on hygiene and sanitation, we have constructed 10 modern public toilets in various towns leading to improved hygiene in the markets.

For effective solid waste management that is responsive to the needs of growing urban population, we procured 29 garbage skips, one garbage truck and a skip loader that are used for our regular garbage collection thus greatly enhancing hygiene in the markets.

The county government has so far planted over 200,000 trees as contribution towards the attainment of the county’s goal of having a 30 percent tree cover.

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