Gender & Youth Department

Under our ‘Wezesha Mama’ program we established Kaitheri Apparel Factory in Kerugoya creating employment to 32 women who are engaged in making school uniforms and hospital linen.

The project earns each of the represented households an income of about Ksh. 0.5 million per month.

So far 14,000 ECDE uniform sets, 1100 hospital linens and over 20,000 masks have been produced at the factory thus improving access and affordability of the items. The masks were given to boda boda riders, market traders and other vulnerable people as a way of Covid-19 prevention.

Construction of a Gender Based Violence and Recovery Center in Kerugoya to give specialized care to victims of gender-based violence. This project was necessitated by the increasing number of GBV cases in the county.

To empower school girls and reduce their absenteeism in school, the county government runs a free sanitary pads distribution program which has so far benefited about 20,000 schoolgirls.

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