Sagana Industrial Park



Kirinyaga County is located centrally in Kenya, near abundant agricultural areas. The county envisions becoming a thriving centre for economic and social activities, providing benefits to its residents, including many families and businesses while attracting tourists and investors. At the heart of this vision is SAIC, which aims to create large-scale employment opportunities, attract investment and offer a range of recreational activities

SAIC aims be the driving force behind Kirinyaga’s growth, providing multiple facilities such as affordable and high-end housing, hospitality and sports facilities (including a high-quality golf course), as well as an industrial zone – these are all expected to cater to and sustain a diverse talent pool in the region. By focusing on climate-smart development, SAIC aspires to serve as a proof of concept for how sustainable growth could be achieved while protecting the environment

SAIC is determined to provide value-add processing capacity to also support the small-farmer-based economy of Kirinyaga County, contributing to the prosperity of the local community.  With its full ecosystem, SAIC aims to transform Sagana into a premier destination for business, social, and touristic activities, boosting the region’s overall attractiveness

  • Proximity to Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya (104 km) and centrally located within Central Region Economic Bloc (10 Counties); accords investors ready markets


  • Well endowed with large volumes of water (six major permanent rivers); perfect for agriculture and industries


  • It’s one of the leading producers of Rice, Coffee, Tea, Bananas,Tomatoes, Avocados, Macadamia, French Beans, Dairy Cows  and Goats; source of raw material for agro processing


  • Infrastructure: Railway connection at Sagana, all weather road,water and power supply; low cost of doing business


  • Gateway to the shortest route to the peak of Mt. Kenya and richest in fauna and flora


  • Tropical climate and an equatorial rainfall pattern

Sagana Town  10km from Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.

For Enquires Reach out to the KIDA office

2ND  Floor , Governors Office, Kutus


+254 720 375 654

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