Waiguru says Mt. Kenya has many qualified leaders fit for national positions

Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru has said that the Mt. Kenya region is not short of qualified leaders when it comes representation at the National level.

She said that there are many seasoned and qualified leaders whose performance track record has been tested and proven and so no there is no seat reserved for a particular person.

Waiguru who was addressing Mwea residents while distributing assorted socio-economic empowerment items to self-help groups, said that the region is firmly behind President William Ruto as he fulfils his development agenda in the region.

The second-term governor said that since her re-election was based on her performance record, she still believes that voters in Kirinyaga and central won’t just vote leaders based on empty rhetoric.

She said that while she has undertaken many development projects in the county, Kirinyaga has greatly benefitted from good working relationship with Ruto’s government. She cited the instance where she has constructed 18 modern markets while the national government has invested in 11 more.

She also pointed out that President Ruto has promised that the National Government will equip the upcoming Kimbimbi and Kianyaga Level Four hospitals once their construction is completed. She added that the president is also committed to tarmacking of roads across the county and he will soon be launching the construction of some of them.

“We should shun divisive politics and remain in government. We cannot afford to move to the opposition. We will remain united as we implement our development agenda and come 2027 we will ask for votes based on performance.” She said.

She said that President Ruto has faith in Kirinyaga County’s loyalty, which he demonstrated on Sunday when he sent her to present his cash gift to Baricho Catholic church, in an event that was also attended by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Waiguru commended Kirinyaga residents for making sober decisions when it comes to elections. “These people will clap for you and you may think they are celebrating you but when it comes to making decisions they will surprise you. They will only vote you for the work you did for them.” She emphasized.

During the item distribution events held at Kimbimbi grounds and Nyangati Youth polytechnic grounds, Waiguru distributed, 1000 plastic chairs, eight tents to self-help groups, 33 fish pond liners and 350 UPVC water pipes to enable distribution of irrigation water to 3000 members of Gathigiriri Water project.

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