Njuri Ncheke pronounces blessings upon Waiguru

Njuri Ncheke elders have pronounced their blessings upon the Council of Governors (COG) Chairperson, Anne Waiguru, as they urged her to strengthen her ties with the famous and respected council.

Led by Njuri Ncheke National vice Chair Alphance Kamwala, the elders uttered their blessings to the Kirinyaga Governor as they faced Mount Kenya.

The blessings were given during the governor’s tour to Tharaka Nthi where she officiated the opening of the 6th Annual Cultural Festival, and the launch of the first goats’ auction in the county

The elders urged Waiguru to pursue her working relationship with the elders even as she positions herself for the future National leadership.

“Nimetumwa na hawa Wazee nikwambie watakusaidia kunoa  kisu chako cha kisiasa kiwe  kikali, Njoo tukusaidie vile utaendelea.” Said Kamwala, translated as “I have been sent by these elders to tell you that they will help you sharpen your political knife so that it gets sharp for the task ahead of you”.

The governor who was hosted by Tharaka Nithi Governor, Muthomi Njuki, received warm reception at the county event that was marked by an extravaganza that included rich cultural songs and dances. She was also treated with ululations from women as she bought goats worth thousands of shillings to support the new goat auction initiative in the county

The Njuri Ncheke elders declared family and leadership blessings upon the Governor as she also faced the Mt. Kenya land mark.

During the event, Governor Anne Waiguru also expressed concern over the poor state of Ciakariga- Marimanti roads towards Uru gate, pledging to work with leaders in the area to help upgrade the road which she noted was an important link to the rich cultural hub.

“I like traveling by road so that I can appreciate the challenges that residents face and having experienced this road I pledge to initiate talks with my brothers Governor Muthomi Njuki, and CS for Interior, Kithure Kindiki, about upgrading the road.” Said Waiguru.

She noted that COG was committed to preservation, and promotion of rich cultural values across the country, adding that the council had conserved over 600 historical and 250 sacred sites nationally. She said that COG will support the counties to ensure they realize their vision for social economic development through diversified cultural activities.

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki hailed Governor Waiguru for her exemplary transformative leadership of the COG.

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