Waiguru praises fallen KDF solder for her sacrifice to serve the nation

Sergeant Rose Nyawira, the departed Kenya DefenceForces (KDF) soldier who died in a helicopter clash together with nine others and the Chief of DefenceForces has been buried at her parent’s home in Kagio, Kirinyaga County.

During the burial ceremony attended by leaders among them Governor Anne Waiguru and officers from the military, Nyawira was eulogized as a gallant soldier who served the nation with lot of enthusiasm and dedication.

Governor Waiguru, described Sergeant Nyawira as true daughter of Kirinyaga who excelled in her job because of hard work.

“To the family we pray for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to guard your hearts and your minds during this difficult time only God can comfort your,” Waiguru said.

Waiguru said though Sergeant Nyawira, the only female soldier in the clash is gone, her spirit will leave on.

She said that the county was hounoured to have been represent in the military by Sergeant Nyawira and the late Senior Sergeant John Kinyua Mureithi, a seasoned aircraft technician who were on board the crashed helicopter.

Nyawira, 31, joined the military in 2018. She was among the nine who passed on together with General Francis Ogolla during helicopter crash on April 18, 2024.

She worked as a photographer attached to the KDF administrative unit at the Defence Headquarters in Nairobi.

“Although we lost two gallant soldiers in the helicopter crash, it’s an honour for our county residents to have served in the KDF. It’s sad we lost them, but we thank God for the time they served our Country,” added Waiguru.

Senior Sergeant Kinyua who will be buried tomorrow at his Kirimunge village in Kirinyaga Central.

Kirinyaga Deputy Governor Wachira Githanda, MweaMP Mary Maingi, Kirinyaga Central MP GachokiGitari were among other leaders who attended the burial.

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