Waiguru lauds Nyanza women professionals for their effort in women empowerment

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has hailed Nyanza Women professionals for their effort in empowering women.

Speaking at a Nairobi hotel during launch of the group’s strategic plan, Waiguru who is also the Chair of the Council of Governors (COG), commended the remarkable journey by the body of professionals which she note has made tremendous achievements since its inception five months ago.

The Strategic Plan seeks to address critical areas of development in the region, with key priority areas including health, education, agriculture, financial inclusion, networking, partnerships and institutional capacity in order to uplift the grassroots communities.

Waiguru praised the dedication and determination of the women involved in realizing the association’s vision, emphasizing the importance of unity and purpose in effecting meaningful change.

“We stand today, witnessing the fruition of that dream as they launch their strategic plan. This is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment to uplifting grassroots women. What these women have achieved in such a short span of time is nothing short of remarkable,” she declared.

She noted that the success of the Nyanza professional women is not just their own but a victory for all women across Kenya. At the same time the governor shared about the recently launched COG women G7 Strategy that is designed to empower women to take up leadership roles across the counties.

“The G7 Strategy is more than just a plan, it is a promise; a promise to support and empower women to deliver on the transformative potential of devolution and other sectors they lead.” She said.

She highlighted the strategy’s aim to enhance women governors’ political influence and leadership at both national and county levels, ultimately striving for a more inclusive and equitable society.

“Ultimately, the strategy aims at enhancing the Women Governors’ political influence and leadership at the national and county levels by serving as catalysts for the increased election of women into leadership roles. Our Clarion Call is G7 to G24,” Waiguru stated.

The COG Chair emphasized on the G7 broader vision of extending support and resources to women leaders across all forty-seven counties of Kenya noting that such targeted efforts will lead to creation of a more inclusive and equitable society where every woman has the opportunity to thrive.

Speaking at the same event, the Chairperson of the Professional Association of Nyanza Women, Betty Adera, highlighted the significance of the strategic plan, emphasizing its role in driving positive change in the region and beyond.

“Today is about setting a course, defining our path and recommitting ourselves to a vision of progress and prosperity for everybody. It’s about harnessing our collective strength, passion and determination to create meaningful change in our communities.” She said.

She reiterated the association’s commitment to empowering women, youth, and people with disabilities, addressing the various challenges they face.

“We are here because we recognize the challenges that women, youth and people with disabilities (PWDs) face from economic marginalization to limited access to education opportunities as well as healthcare and we are committed to addressing these issues head on.” She said.

Adera underscored the association’s achievements since its inception, including a membership of over 2,000 women from diverse professional backgrounds across the six counties of Nyanza.

“We have witnessed women become breadwinners and girls ignite change in their communities. Our efforts have focused on providing financial inclusion, education opportunities, and empowerment courses to grassroots women, thereby striving to achieve equilibrium in our society.” She remarked.

Among the dignitaries who graced the event were First Lady Rachel Ruto, Spouse to the Deputy President Dorcas Rigathi,Cabinet Secretaries Eliud Owalo and Aisha Jumwa among others.

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