Goodies for Kirinyaga residents as President Ruto visits county for thanksgiving

Kirinyaga County is set to reap big from Kenya Kwanza Government as President William Ruto pledges to deliver on development projects requests made by leaders.

In a prayer and thanksgiving ceremony held at Kerugoya Stadium on Sunday, the president expressed his gratitude to Kirinyaga County residents for having voted for him with the highest percentage in the entire central region.

In fulfilment of his election pledges and requests by leaders from the county, the president said that among the projects to be fast tracked include completion of ongoing tarmacking of various roads and expansion of rice irrigation projects through construction of dams. He said that Ksh. 400 million has been allocated for construction of irrigation feeder canals in Mwea while the county government has set aside Ksh. 200 million to complement the same project. The canal will enhance distribution of water to farms from Thiba Dam. Other requests that Governor Anne Waiguru presented to the President on behalf of Kirinyaga residents included the construction of a sewer system to cover Kagio, Sagana and Wang’uru towns and compensation of Mwea farmers who have ceded their land for construction of irrigation feeder canals.

The president also said that the country has secured funding for construction of basic infrastructure in Sagana Industrial Park. The industrial park will be put up on a 250 acre land in Sagana that will also host a sports facility, education institutions, among other facilities. Twenty acres of the land has also been set aside for construction of affordable housing units. Governor Waiguru said that several investors, among them farmers’ cooperatives have already expressed interest in putting up agro processing factories in the park. She said that the county executive and the assembly will on Wednesday be visiting Tatu City in Kiambu County to benchmark on various aspects of execution of a mixed development venture of such nature.

The religious fraternity are also set to benefit as Ruto responded to their requests that were presented by Governor Waiguru on their behalf. He promised to ensure that the process of registering Christian marriages will be streamlined to ensure that it is effective and efficient since the clergy had said that it is currently too lengthy and tedious. Ruto also promised them that filing of church annual returns will be digitized to allow for online filing as opposed to taking physical filing in Nairobi as it is currently done. The president also promised to buy a mega tent and seats that will be used holding as well as assisting them in construction of a prayer retreat center for which Governor Waiguru pledged to allocate land.

Coffee and tea farmers in the region will also benefit from sector reforms being spearheaded by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. The reforms are aimed at among others ridding the sector of cartels that have been exploiting farmers and reaping from their sweat. The president said that his government is committed to ensuring that farmers get more money in their pockets as opposed to brokers taking the lion’s share in the agricultural value chain.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on his part said as a way of appreciating Kirinyaga people’s support during the last elections, the region has benefited from many plum positions in Kenya Kwanza Government. He paraded the more than 10 public servants from the region who have recently been appointed in senior government positions, including the Secretary to the State-Mercy Wanjau, Murimi Murage- Senior Advisor in the Office of the Deputy President, Mary Muthoni- Principal Secretary, State Department for Correctional Services.

The thanksgiving service was attended by Governors Muthomi Njuki-Tharaka Nithi, Kawira Mwangaza-Meru and Cecily Mbarire-Embu. Members of Parliament present included Kirinyaga Senator and Woman Representative Kamau Murango and Jane Maina respectively, Mwea MP Mary Maingi, Ndia MP George Kariuki, Kirinyaga Central MP Gachoki Gitari and Gichugu MP Gichimu Githinji. Others included Ndindi Nyoro of Kiharu, Gathoni Muchomba-Githunguri, Jane Kihara-Naivasha and David Ochieng of Ugenya.

The leaders pledged total support to the President as he spearheaded the country’s economic recovery journey as well as implementation of various programs and projects aimed at improving the livelihoods Kenyans.

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