Kirinyaga County receives 550 bales of maize flour from Capwell Industries

Kirinyaga County Government on Thursday received 550 bales of maize flour from Capwell Industries Limited- the manufacturers of Soko Maize Flour among other brands.

The donation was received at the county headquarters on behalf of Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru by the County Secretary (CS) Joe Muriuki. The CS said that the relief food donation will go a long way in assisting the vulnerable people in the county. “There are quite a lot of needy cases within the county at this time of Covid-19 pandemic and therefore this donation will definitely go towards a worthy cause”, he added, giving assurance that the donation will be distributed to the deserving cases.

While handing in the donation, Capwell Industries Head of Corporate Affairs, Obadiah Gitiye, said that the company is a beneficiary of some of the raw materials that are produced in Kirinyaga hence it was only fit to have part of the produce come back to the county to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. He said that the flour that the company donated to Kirinyaga County was worth Ksh. 750,000 adding that the company aims at distributing similar donations to at least 10 counties in the country. Mr. Gitiye also noted that the company has donated Ksh. 20 million to the National Covid-19 Response Team to support the fight against the pandemic.  “We are also pleased by the way Kirinyaga County has organized its relief food distribution to ensure that it reaches the needy people”, said Gitiye.

The County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture, Jacqueline Njogu, who was also at the event said that the food donation was a boost to the ongoing program by the county government to feed the most vulnerable members of the community who have been badly hit by effects of Covid-19 pandemic. She said that the county government has a list of already identified needy cases in every ward and so the donation by Capwell Industries would go a long way into covering the areas that are yet to be reached.

Last month, Governor Waiguru launched a relief food distribution drive whereby food collected from the county government, the national government and well-wishers has been distributed to needy people across the county. Most of the beneficiaries of the relief aid include the elderly, people living with disabilities, people affected by floods as well as needy populations residing in the informal settlements of the county.

Governor Waiguru has in many occasions noted that many of the beneficiaries are people who previously depended on their children or well-wishers but with the ongoing corona virus pandemic their benefactors can no longer afford to help.

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