Waiguru receives Kakamega women MCAs for benchmarking tour to Kirinyaga

Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru has asked women to soldier on with their efforts to end gender disparities in leadership and access to resources.

Speaking when she received women Members of Kakamega County Assembly who are on a benchmarking tour of the county, Waiguru asked women who are in leadership positions not to drop the ball in their fight to upscale the ladder in politics, corporate or public offices. Waiguru who is also the Chair of the Council of Governors (COG) Chair affirmed her commitment towards women empowerment and building strong women leaders through mentorship. She said that women politicians in Kenya unlike their male counterparts, are met by excessive political resistance and attacks along their journey to climb up the leadership ladder. She, however, urged them to stay put, and never to bow down as they seek to close the gap on gender imbalance on women leadership in the Country.

Led by their Chairperson, Jael Omunyang’a, the women under Kakamega Women MCAs Caucus were received at the Governor’s Official residence in Kagio where Waiguru said she was honored to host them and share insights on leadership and women empowerment. Omunyang’a said that the MCAs from the Western Kenya County were inspired by Governor Waiguru’s transformative leadership that she has offered in Kirinyaga and the way the development programs and projects are impacting lives of the residents. “We chose to Visit Kirinyaga because we believe for now it’s the best county to learn from as far as women empowerment initiatives are concerned.” She stated.

She also lauded Waiguru for her past development initiatives that she implemented during her time as a Cabinet Secretary as well as when she worked at the National Treasury. She singled out the Huduma Centers initiative which up to date is one of the most celebrated revolutions that has enhanced public service delivery by creating a one stop shop for critical government services. She also mentioned how another of Waiguru’s brainchild, the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) that streamlined and restored sanity in public financial management and procurement.

The Caucus leaders who were also joined by Kirinyaga women MCAs, revealed that they were mobilizing Women leaders across the Country to Support the Governor’s Vision on Women leadership, and empowerment. During the tour, the Kakamega leaders visited some of the women empowerment initiatives being implemented by Waiguru, including, the gender based violence help desks, Kaitheri Apparel Centre, breast feeding centers, Kerugoya Medical Complex, women and children’s wards and Wezesha Kirinyaga empowerment projects among others.

On implementation of development programs and projects, Waiguru said that despite her county receiving little allocation from the National exchequer, she had put all efforts to source funds from development partners to enable her implement projects geared towards women empowerment. The Governor said that due to her passion for women empowerment has supported the election of women MCAs as Deputy Chairs in all the house committees. She added that the County assembly Deputy Leader of Majority, and Deputy Chief Whip were Women who are doing well in their respective roles, emphasizing that her vision is to inspire and mentor more women to vie for elective posts in the Country. Waiguru reiterated that her women empowerment programs were in line with the President William Ruto’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.

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