Governor Waiguru disburses Ksh. 33 million to boost Gichugu farmers
Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru on Thursday disbursed Ksh. 33.7 million to farmers groups in Gichugu Constituency. The funds will go to 87 groups who are involved in implementation of projects in the constituency that include poultry keeping, avocado, tomato, dairy and pig farming among others. The groups are part of 314 others drawn from across the county that have benefitted from Ksh. 117 million kitty disbursed to fund of phase two of the National Agricultural Rural Inclusive Growth Program (NARIGP).
While addressing farmers’ representatives at the cheque disbursement event at Kianyaga Catholic Church, Governor Waiguru said the projects that are being implemented under Wezesha Kirinyaga economic empowerment program are aimed at increasing agricultural productivity in the county thus improving the living standards among the residents. “The funds will enable farmers to carry out extra income generating activities that will mitigate the adverse effects of Covid-19 on the county residents”, added the governor. She noted that poultry farmers will be assisted to rear improved Kienyenji chicken for massive egg production, complementing phase one of the one million eggs per month project.
Tomato farmers will be assisted to construct greenhouses and install drip irrigation systems to enable them grow varieties for tomato processing which will be supplied to the proposed tomato factory. Avocado farmers will be provided with hass avocado seedlings with an aim of increasing production towards the construction of an avocado packhouse. The funds will also support dairy farmers to improve their dairy cow breeds through Artificial Insemination (AI) for increased milk production while pig farming groups will each be supported with a sow and 20 piglets.
Governor Waiguru noted that the leadership of all the groups have been trained on proper management of the projects thus they are expected to ensure successful implementation of the projects.
At the same time she enumerated various massive infrastructural development projects in various sectors such as health, roads, agriculture and urban upgrade. She also noted that the cordial relationship between the County Government, the National Government and development partners has delivered many projects for the benefit of the county residents.
On nomination of Justice Martha Koome for the position of Chief Justice, Waiguru said that she was extremely delighted that for the first time in history the country will have a female Chief Justice. She said that her nomination to head one arm of government gives hope to other women that they can achieve whatever they aspire to achieve.