KeNHA sponsors students as part of Kenol-Marua road project
Kaitheri County Polytechnic in Kirinyaga has admitted students sponsored by the Kenya National Highways Authority for various technical and vocational courses. The sponsorship is part of the upcoming Kenol-Marua dual carriage road project’s training component that entails supporting the youth residing along the project road.
Kirinyaga county got 127 slots, with 46 trainees being admitted at Kaitheri County Polytechnic and 81 at Sagana Technical Institute. The beneficiaries were identified through a vetting process that gave priority to the neediest cases. Governor Anne Waiguru welcomed the sponsorship, saying it will complement the county government’s efforts in youth empowerment through quality and inclusive technical, vocational education training. Waiguru said Kaitheri, being the largest public polytechnic in the county is well equipped to cater to the needs of the students under the programme.
The governor noted that the training will enable the youth to secure gainful employment and build their economic capabilities through self-employment. She added that her administration has invested in upgrading and equipping polytechnics. In the last three years, she said, her administration has built additional classrooms, workshops, computer laboratories and dormitories in various polytechnics.
Speaking at the induction event at Kaitheri Polytechnic on Thursday, Education executive James Kinyua said the students under KeNHA scholarship will have their accommodation and tuition fees fully catered for. He urged the trainees to work hard and ensure they utilize their time well so that they graduate as skilled artisans and craftsmen who will ultimately be self-employed.
An MoU defining the terms of engagement between KeNHA and Kaitheri County Polytechnic was also signed. Kinyua said while KeNHA was only sponsoring Grade 111 courses, trainees who would later like to advance to a higher grade have a chance of benefiting from tuition fees grant programme, which is a partnership between the national and the county governments.