Governor Waiguru gives food hampers to Kirinyaga Muslim community to mark Eid al Fitr

Kirinyaga County governor Anne Waiguru on Tuesday gave food hampers to hundreds of Muslims from Kirinyaga County as the community marked Eid al Fitr. The hampers that contained a variety of food stuff was received on behalf of the beneficiaries by Imams from all the mosques in the county.

Speaking during the event that was held at the Governor’s official resident in Kagio, the cleric expressed gratitude to governor Waiguru noting that she has extended the kind gesture every year ever since she was elected in 2007. Imam Hamisi Muiruri from Sagana Mosque said that they were grateful to Governor Waiguru for having remembered the Muslim community during this time. He said that such donations help many families who could not have celebrated the day for lack of anything to eat. He said that the Muslim community has always enjoyed a cordial relationship with the governor whose development programs have made impact in every corner where the community is represented.

Kerugoya Mosque Imam Idi Adul also thanked the governor on behalf of the Muslim community for the food hampers saying they will go a long way in enabling their sisters and brothers celebrate the season. “All the mosques are hereby represented and we are very happy and we pledge to support the governor since she has demonstrated good leadership and she has heart for humanity as well.” Said the Imam, promising that the donation will reach all the intended beneficiaries.

At the same time the cleric called upon all Kenyans to uphold peace during the electioneering and all the candidates to carry out peaceful campaigns. “Islam means peace and we are preaching peace in our mosques and every community service we hold and we are requesting all Kenyans and politicians to preach and practice peace so that we may live harmoniously as brothers and sisters even after the elections.” Said Imam Adul.

The County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture, Jackline Njogu, who handed over the donation on behalf of Governor Waiguru passed the governor’s message of goodwill to the entire Muslim Community. She said that the governor has been keen in looking into the welfare of the Muslim Community and will continue to work together to ensure that the community is uplifted.

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