Launch of the Kirinyaga County Roads Upgrade Program

Governor Waiguru has launched the county road upgrade program. The program covers 1,420 km. of roads – 220 km. murruming and 1,200 km grading. Out of this target, the county have so far covered 80 km. of murrum and 700 km of grading.

Thiba-Nguka-Kiuria Road in Thiba Ward which is 10 km is one of the roads marked for immediate murruming. Cumulatively the county has in the past two years upgraded 2,286 kilometers of roads across the county. Of these, 2,000 kilometers have been graded and 286 kilometers have been murrumed.

In Mwea Constituency, 16 roads have been marked for upgrading in Mwea this year, covering 220 km. 150km will be graded while 70 km. will be murrumed. Cumulatively for the past two years, 570 kilometes of roads have been upgraded in Mwea- 70 Kilometers murruming and 500 kilometers grading.

The roads upgrade program continues to have great impact on the rural economy since farmers whose mainstay is rice and horticulture production are able to easily transport their produce to the market.

Public transport sector has also been enhanced especially the boda boda sector that has created jobs for thousands of youths. The County bought road construction equipment that include five graders, 10 trucks-20tons, two excavators, one low bed/loader, one backhoe, two roller-compactors and one water bowser.

The aim is to have well drained all weather roads across the county by 2022.

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